Horror Bags and update

Hey all, Its definitely been a hot minute. Basically we went to Vegas on a work trip for the hubs which was an absolute blast. Ahhh I got to go to a Hello Kitty cafe, eat at a one star Michelin restaurant, and shop and gamble like crazy. Okay, not too crazy but a little and it was a ton of fun. We came back home, and hubs had to leave on another work trip about 4 days later. When he came back though, he brought a present neither of us wanted.

If you saw my stories, you saw we were both super sick with Covid. I don’t think either of us have ever been so sick. We even had semi different symptoms, but man was it rough. We made it through though and so far have only had some residual lingering effects. Last week we started feeling better, so I was able to pick up on some stuff that had been kind of left alone and get it ready for everyone!

Basically I had a few horror bags that needed to be finished. So I finished them and got my pics and am starting on pattern editing so it can be sent out!

Up first is The Exorcist bag, as you can see above. This one was a bunch of fun to make and learning a lot as far as getting the shot as well. It definitely wasn’t easy, and while I am 100% not going to claim perfection, I got the job done lol. I’ll be having a tester call this week for that one. Then comes the It bag. This one was an absolute blast to make too and again, my husband being the awesome trooper he is went out during our daily 15 min downpour for some shots!

I also have ordered yarn and am waiting on it for Chucky and Saw!!! I really have enjoyed making these and getting to dress up for the pics helps too! A good crochet friend of mine suggested months ago for me to start cosplaying and matching up projects so I could have the best of both worlds. Which, I’ve started delving in recently.

The other big project I had been working on recently was getting my shop together. Not every pattern is in there as they are the most up to date, I’ve been also working on slowly getting them all transferred to the newer style of patterns I’ve been doing as I have gotten a lot of feedback on how the new model looks in comparison, all good feedback. Getting it together was definitely some work, but I’m very happy to have the option now available to handle most everything myself. If you use NEWSHOP at checkout you can get 20% off everything as well <3.

With that being said, The Shining bag is almost done in testing and will be released here soon! Definitely don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled for that!

Thank you always for your love and support and I can’t wait to show you more things to come!!!



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Botanical Bag-pattern re-release