latest updates

This past weekend, I finally finished my Pride Throw. I also took the plunge and sewed a back on it. Definitely my first time doing so and I learned a lot from it. It was not perfect by any means when I made it, but it was a fun addition to the throw. I mean I also got to whip out my sewing machine, so that’s always fun. Now I want to practice some more stitchery too.

My husband and I headed to downtown St. Pete to check out some murals to get some pics of it. I felt that a mural would make a better background than the ocean, or my backyard. The murals around here are just so vibrant. The one I ended up going with for most of the pics (I’ll post it later, although it is on my IG), was one with a woman threading her sewing needle. We happened to be driving past and it was one that I had to actually turn around in the car to see. Once I did, I was like, “Okay need to do a u-turn that’s the one!”

We ended up making a day of being out and about so, it turned out to be a really fun day. Also I got to have a 4 day weekend and you better believe I got some reading done. I got like 4 books done. I will definitely be posting about them. I got an Eva Chase series done and read the first book of one series and 2 of another. I’ve started making the joke to my husband that I go through books quicker than I change my underwear. Anyways, main point more book recommendations and such coming too!

My testers have been kicking butt and taking names on the throw as well, and I will be making a few stitch tutorials for the ones I used for this too. Sometimes seeing a visual is the biggest help. I know I an definitely that type of person.

The dish/wash cloth pattern I just recently made is being tested as well, and I’ll be having some in my Etsy shop ready made to purchase. It should be released on June 17th as long as everything goes according to plan. I love the texture and its a great stash buster project too!

Also Furls Crochet just released their Glitter Pride Streamline hook, if you didn’t catch the email! Its gorgeous and ahhh I’m so excited about it. I need it in just about every size. The sparkles hit just right, and I mean who doesn’t enjoy some sparkle? If you want to see their whole Pride page, go ahead and click the picture below.

If you use code darkntwisty15 at checkout you get 15% off!

So that’s about the long and short of what’s going on over here. I finished the Pride Throw, its being tested and will be released this month. I’m working on smaller projects as well too so maybe each month you’ll get a fun smaller project you can work on. Also Furls released their newest hook! Thank you for being an amazing subscriber, and don’t forget there’s always more to come!

Happy Crocheting!



Love Wins


Flora shawl